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Welcome To The Northern Polocrosse Club Inc's Home Page

Based in northern Tasmania, Australia. Mr David Hughes and Mr Bruce Archer, regular members of state teams, originally formed the club about 25 years ago, formerly called the Longford Polocrosse club.


Are you interested in performance horses?
Polocrosse is a family orientated team sport.
Many tasmanian teams have two generations playing in them,some have three.

Polocrosse Notice board

Use this link to leave messages of any type!!

My Corkboard

Site Developments 2006

Returning Players

A Couple of old Northern club players are said to be returning for the 2005 season--- Kris Lynas, Cassie Lynas and Heather Laird--We shall see if they are still as good as people remember them after a 4 to six year break from the game for these players.!!

New pics of TASSIE POLOCROSSE 2006

NEW PICS 11-7-06

July 2004 Newsletter on "what's new" page


NEW team play page 18/8/01

Check our favourite links page.

Check the new club photo pages.

At Last some new pics appearing on this site


A new polocrosse family playing profile is HERE!!
It is a story I will leave it to you to decide, FACT or FICTION
(father,mother,uncles,sons & daughter have all had a go)8/1/03

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Sharee Newman on Shannon

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